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Tap Into Emotional Freedom With Darcy

Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is scientifically validated to rewire your brain & lower cortisol to help you live your best life.


Are you tired of feeling stuck in patterns of chronic anxiety, unwanted habits, phobias and feeling overwhelmed?


Are you yearning to live a more courageous and empowered life? Is your self esteem suffering because you have tried everything to release your self sabotaging thoughts and behaviors, and

yet they continue to persist?


Before you defer to your inner critic once again, did you know that 95% of our behaviors and actions are driven by our subconscious programming,

while our emotions are stored within our bodies? 


Emotional Freedom Techniques (aka Tapping) is a scientifically validated approach, which enables you to tap into the power of your subconscious

mind to uncover and release the roots of your limiting beliefs and

blocks. It allows us to find freedom from stuck emotions, and rewire

the brain, all while lowering the stress hormone, cortisol! 


Together, we'll gently and compassionately explore the experiences and patterns that have been holding you back, creating a safe and supportive environment every step of the way. I can guide you on a transformative journey,

helping you to break free from fear, release trauma and find self

compassion in order to live your best life. 

Step into your power, and expand your comfort zone. 


Sign up today for your free 20 minute discovery call

👇  by clicking the BUTTON below

"Just like the lotus we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world."


  • Clinical Trials Show EFT Reduced:

  • ️Anxiety by 40%

  • ️Cortisol by 43%

  • ️Food cravings by 74%

  • ️Depression by 41%

  • ️PTSD by 32%

  • Pain by 57%

  • ️Blood Pressure by 8%

  • EFT was clinically proven to Increase:

  • Immune markers by 113%

  • Overall happiness by 31%


Hi, I’m Darcy McCain

As a highly sensitive person, I struggled for decades to find tools to reduce my anxiety, fear and overwhelm.

I tried everything I could think of:



️Countless self help books


️Positive self talk

️Guided meditations

️Gratitude journals

️Grounding in nature

️Herbs and supplements


Though all those tools are valuable in their own right, nothing seemed to scratch the surface of my daily struggles. I started to wonder what was wrong with me, and as a result,

my self esteem began to erode.


It wasn’t until I tried EFT (aka Tapping) that I found relief.


I learned the anxiety wasn’t in my conscious mind, but rather, in my body. I couldn’t just think my way out of it. Through the power of EFT, I was able to release the stuck emotions and fears within my body, and in the process, rewire my mind,

and learn to accept myself on a deeper level.


Life still happens, but now I have the skills to resource myself when I am presented with stressful situations. Your blocks and fears are no different! I love that now, as an EFT Universe Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner, I get to share these tools with you; helping you to live an empowered life free of

self-sabotaging fears, habits and beliefs.


How Does EFT (aka Tapping) work?


Clinical EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, or Tapping as it is more commonly called, is a safe, stress relieving technique that is endorsed by the American Psychological Association and Veterans Affairs agency. It has been scientifically validated in over 100 clinical trials and over 300 peer reviewed journals to reduce the symptoms of anxiety, phobias, trauma, and other emotional challenges


When we are stressed, our bodies don’t know the difference between a real or perceived threat. The amygdala, which is the alarm system of the brain, perceives every day stressors as if they are a real physical threat. It sounds the alarm, creating an upsurge in the stress hormone cortisol. The blood flows out of the logical prefrontal cortex, and into the limbs. This is referred to as fight, flight and freeze. 

In addition to the body being on high alert, trauma and PTSD can worsen over time, as the memories reinforce neural pathways, worsening stress and trauma over time.

Many of our stressors and beliefs develop before the age of 7, and are stored in our bodies at a subconscious level, leading to anxiety or physical issues. I am trained to guide my clients in finding the specific, often subconscious, root cause of their problems. Once my clients have cleared the blocks and events that hold them back, they can think of former challenges and events without any emotional activation, giving them emotional freedom

and a new perspective.

EFT combines a gentle approach to stress, with client safety as the top priority. It uses exposure (gently approaching, and thinking about the problem) while simultaneously tapping on acupressure meridians on the face and torso. This sends a calming signal to the body, lowering cortisol and calming the amygdala, thereby relaxing the nervous system and rewiring the brain. I find my clients have more self compassion, and enjoy many cognitive shifts. They consistently report feeling greater peace.



RL- Seattle, WA

Darcy works with calmness and clarity. The issues we've tackled have been huge. Feelings that have lived in my heart and soul for many years, are now memories that I can visit at will, without shedding tears. I have found resolution that I didn't even imagine. She created a safe space, with love and compassion so present, that it enabled me to go deeply into my traumas and regret, feeling supported and again, safe. I have been tapping on my own for quite some time, but having her guidance helped me approach my issues in a more measured and direct way. Darcy is a gifted healer and guide, and her work with me has been profound. I pray that every person in need of healing will find their way to her!
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